Make a Wood Bowl: Introduction to Woodturning
Make a Wood Bowl: Introduction to Woodturning
Make a Wood Bowl: Introduction to Woodturning
Classes are on going call or email to register.
Cost: $250.00
Course Description: (Class size is limited - Reserve your space early )
Work side-by side with Carmen De La Paz to learn basic foundation skills for Woodturning – starting with safety, progressing to how a wood lathe works and actually creating a utilitarian or decorative bowl. The woodturning course will cover tool control and proper cuts to create a small bowl out of freshly cut “wet” wood.
During the course of this one day course of 8- 9 hours, Carmen also teaches you how to sharpen your chisels, along with a variety of finishes for sealing your bowl properly.
Carmen’s “Hands-on demonstrations” support the teaching process each step of the bowl making process. This course is designed to allow the student to progress at their individual pace and confidence level behind the lathe. Safety at the lathe will be the foundation of this beginning to intermediate class. Wood selection, design concepts along with a variety of option to seal and finish your piece right on the lathe will round out the weekend of learning and fun.
All materials, lathes, chisels and safety equipment are provided.
Student Requirement:
- Some basic experience and confidence behind power tools or woodworking would be beneficial.
- Woodturners Looking for a refresher are welcome
- Ability to stand for 2 - 3 hours at a time - focusing on course lecture and hands-on practice
For more information on this course or to register please contact:
Email: Phone: 512|931.1183